Originally Posted on belabelwise.org

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Dietary supplements play an important role in good nutrition. They help people get all the nutrients they need and live healthier lives. Because of changes in the American diet and updates in nutrition science, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration—a key regulator of foods and dietary supplements—has mandated new label requirements for these types of products. Learn more about what’s changing…

What is Changing?

New Daily Values

To reflect the latest nutrition science and changes in American diets. For example, in 2016, FDA established a Referece Daily Intake (RDI) of 550 milligrams of choline for adults. Learn more…

New Measurements

The amounts of vitamins A, D, and E will change from amounts in International Units or IU, to the more common measures of milligrams (mg) and micrograms (mcg).

Folic Acid

Folic acid will be listed as folate and measured in micrograms of dietary folate equivalents of DFEs.


If sugar is added to the product, you will see the amount and percent daily value.