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Fun Fall Activities for Your Toddler

Fun Fall Activities for Your Toddler

Fall is amongst us, but is it really fall without any autumn activities? Although activities may look different this year, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the season. Today, we have some easy, at-home activities for you and your toddler to get into together. Most of the supplies needed are things you can find around your home or at the dollar store.

First up, we have a Candy Corn Counting activity.

Candy Corn Counting 1

As we approach mid-October, it seems that Halloween candy is everywhere! Coming up with hands-on educational activities with everyday objects and foods, like these candy corn, are a great way to keep at-home activities easy and budget-friendly.

Supplies needed:

  • A free counting print-out like this one from or make your own. 
  • A bag (or two) of candy corn. If you’d prefer not to use actual candy for your toddler, try these Mini Candy Corn Erasers from Amazon.
Candy Corn Counting 2

For this activity, set up the counting print-out on a table or flat surface. Taping the back of the sheet to the flat surface may be ideal if your little one is still getting the hang of loose paper. Place the small bowl with a generous amount of candy corn next to the counting sheet, and encourage your toddler to identify the numbers on the left column and place the corresponding candy corns on the right side.

Candy Corn Counting 3

Using candy corn is excellent for fine motor skill practice for your toddler and once they finish counting, they can eat them or toss them in a bag for next time!

Moving right along, we have a fall sensory bin.

Sensory Bins 1

Sensory bins are the new mommy must-haves, and honestly, they are worth all the hype. They are quick to put together and switch out but also incredible developmental entertainment for your toddler. Plus, there is just something so wonderful about watching your little one activate all of their senses and learn as they play.

Supplies needed:

Sensory Bins 2

To begin this activity, fill the bin with the leaves, mini pumpkins, mini tongs, and about two to three cups of unpopped popcorn (this will depend on the size of your bin).

Sensory Bins 3

It is best to set the sensory bin up while your toddler is napping or before they wake-up in the morning. This will allow them to fully engage in the activity when they see it for the first time. Set the sensory bin on a table or outside if you prefer easy cleanup; that’s pretty much it!

Sensory Bins 4

This is another very affordable activity and an easy way to entertain your toddler at-home, all while bringing in the fall season to your home.

Lastly, we have a wonderful Color Sorting Apple Activity.

Color Sorting Apple Activity 1

Thisactivity is a fun way for your toddler to make a real-life connection to the apples they eat and see growing on trees. It is also a great tool for teaching them how to identify and, subsequently, sort colors.

Supplies needed:

  • Brown, green, red, and yellow construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue
  • Fruit Loops. If you would prefer to not use cereal, try using Pom-Poms instead. 
  • A small bowl
Color Sorting Apple Activity 2

To begin this activity, make the red, green, and yellow trees. Draw and cut three rectangles out of the brown construction paper for the tree trunks, then draw and cut a large circle out of the red, green, and yellow construction paper for the treetops. To help children who have yet to develop their scissor cutting skills, make a rectangle and circle template out of card stock or cardboard that they can trace. You may also provide them with hand-over-hand support while cutting out the shapes.

Color Sorting Apple Activity 3

For younger toddlers, cut out the shapes for them and have them ready before-hand. Next, have your toddler glue or tape the circles onto the rectangles to create the trees. Place the trees in a row on a flat surface and fill a small bowl with Fruit Loops.

Color Sorting Apple Activity 4

Encourage your child to sort through the Fruit Loops and put the “apples” on the correct tree until the trees are full. Sorting apples is a fun, hands-on way for children to practice identifying and sorting different colored apples.

Try out these fun at-home fall activities and remember to make sure your toddler is supervised while playing with these activities.