The Importance of Calcium in Childhood

Most children and adolescents aren’t getting the Calcium they need to build peak bone mass. For this reason, it’s of vital importance that your child gets enough Calcium on a daily basis.
Just about every parent knows that children require Calcium to build strong bones. Calcium, one of the most abundant minerals in the human body, accounts for approximately 1.5% of total body weight. Bones and teeth contain 99% of the Calcium in the body, while the remaining 1% is distributed in other areas.
By the time your child reaches age 17, almost 90% of their adult bone mass will already have been established. For this reason, it’s of vital importance that your child gets enough Calcium on a daily basis. It is during childhood, often referred to as the “bone-forming years” that a child’s body is most capable of absorbing Calcium. But the fact is, most children and adolescents aren’t getting the Calcium they need to build peak bone mass.
According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 86% of teenage girls and 64% of teenage boys are “calcium deficient.”¹ And did you know that children who don’t get enough Calcium are more likely to suffer from bone fractures and may develop osteoporosis as they age? Plus, they also risk having weaker teeth and tooth decay later in life.
If the body does not get enough calcium from food or supplements, the body will then tend to take it from someplace else, such as from the bones. That’s why there may be a thinning of the bones if the body experiences Calcium deficiency. Although it would be great if children could get the Calcium they need through a Calcium-rich diet, often it’s not possible. In this busy day and age, children often do not get the amount of vegetables and nutrients they need every day. Many are too picky to eat all the healthy foods. But Calcium is one nutrient kids cannot afford to skip. Supplementation can help.
Calcium and The Role of Magnesium and Vitamin D
To avoid losing calcium from their bones, a child’s body must properly absorb it. In order to do this, a combination of Vitamin D and Magnesium is needed. In fact, for optimum absorption and utilization, it is recommended that Calcium should be combined with Magnesium, Vitamin D and Zinc. These nutrients help support and establish the very foundation for your child’s structural growth and integrity.
Calcium and Magnesium help balance each other in the body. Magnesium is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones. It actually works together with Calcium and Vitamin D to help keep bones strong and this combination of minerals may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Magnesium deficiency can actually result in Calcium depletion and lead to issues for a child’s healthy development.
The Top 3 Reasons Your Child Needs Calcium Now
Childhood is a key time for Calcium consumption at adequate levels. It is simply a fact that bone Calcium begins to decrease in young adulthood and people gradually lose bone density as they age. Teens, especially girls, whose diets do not provide the nutrients to build bones to their maximum potential are at greater risk of developing the bone disease called osteoporosis, which increases the risk of fractures from weakened bones. There are three key reasons you should assure your child receives the proper calcium intake daily:
- Healthy Bone Development: Bones grow rapidly during childhood and adolescence and children require Calcium at levels that will support the building of strong bones and fight bone loss later in life. Proper consumption of Calcium supports proper bone density, especially important as children mature into adulthood.
- Dietary Lifestyle: Today’s lifestyle does not always encourage proper Calcium consumption. Children who drink soda, energy drinks or caffeinated beverages absorb even less Calcium because these substances may interfere with the way the body absorbs and uses Calcium. In addition, high levels of sugary sodas can cause tooth decay.
- More Than Just Bones: Calcium is well-known as a building material for bones and teeth, but you also need it to keep your child’s developing heart and nerves in healthy working order.
- Calcium helps to regulate muscle function and the contractions of the heart.
- Calcium plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses and even in blood clotting.
- Key organs and bodily functions, such as metabolism and the parathyroid gland, need Calcium to operate at their best.
- Calcium may even help children keep the weight off. Research suggests that if you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, you’re likely to be overweight. Of course, it’s possible to be overweight even if you do get plenty of Calcium, but an adequate supply of Calcium appears to make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Supplementing with Calcium Citrate
There are a variety of forms of Calcium including Calcium Citrate, Coral Calcium, Calcium Gluconate, Calcium Carbonate and the list goes on. When choosing a Calcium supplement, it is important to choose a product that the body will absorb so it can obtain the benefits of this vital mineral.

Many researchers believe Calcium Citrate offers a better source of calcium, especially for children. Unlike calcium carbonate, the main ingredient in many calcium supplements, Calcium Citrate does not need stomach acid to be broken down. Calcium Citrate has a high level of absorption even when it is taken on an empty stomach.
Give your child the daily Calcium support they need! ChildLife’s® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium provides the citrate form of minerals. Our Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc are all in citrate form for enhanced bioavailability and health benefits. ChildLife’s® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium is available as a liquid formula, it has a great tasting natural orange flavor and can be taken directly or easily mixed with a child’s favorite juice or beverage.
Supplementation in children is almost always helpful … and necessary. ChildLife® uses only the highest quality ingredients in their natural formulas. ChildLife Essentials® Liquid Calcium with Magnesium is gluten free, casein free and alcohol free. It contains no milk, eggs, yeast, wheat or corn. There are no artificial colorings, no artificial sweeteners and no artificial preservatives. It is a perfect choice for children who are lactose intolerant as well as for children who consume vegetarian diets and may not be getting adequate levels of calcium from their diet.